Feb 14 Update: Combat Timing, Bumps, and Poison

Continuing on the great mechanics rework, which is now mostly complete, is this week's update.  Weapons now have varying attack speeds: a dagger swings faster than a felling axe.  Damage for each weapon has been adjusted accordingly.  By the way, beer mugs can now be equipped and used as a weapon.  The attack cycle is now streamlined, there is no longer any delay after making an attack.

Poison is reworked, it now deals damage periodically over time.  How much and for how long depends on the source and type of the poison.  The Cleric's Slow Poison spell has been removed and Neutralize Poison was renamed to Cure Poison.

Notable NPCs like Iowyn and Burleyman are now classified as peaceful; they cannot be attacked.  They might still come to the aid of others, though!

Moving into a character interacts with it.  For example, moving into a peaceful NPC, like Migli the miner seen in the demo below, shows the :shop screen.  Moving into a peace-hating goblin attacks it.  Soon, look for more NPCs to train skills with, or start a conversation with for quests.

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